The B.C. Climate Action Secretariat and the B.C. Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness is pleased to invite you to the third Indigenous Climate Resilience Forum taking place February 20-22, 2024

This year’s theme is:

Wisdom through the Generations

The Forum is a free, three-day virtual event designed to inform, connect, and support Indigenous communities in building resilience to the impacts of climate change. 

Registration is open | Participant Package

The Forum aims to centre Indigenous voices by:

  • sharing and celebrating the work happening in communities,

  • facilitating knowledge sharing amongst Indigenous folks, and 

  • supporting connections between Indigenous communities and government bodies.

This year’s keynote speakers are David Suzuki and Severn Cullis-Suzuki!

There will also be community stories, engagements on the Disaster and Climate Risk and Resilience Assessments, skill-building workshops, an Elder and youth panel, networking opportunities, and more!

Our team is busy planning behind the scenes and are looking forward to sharing more information with you soon. Follow us on Instagram or Facebook, or send us an email at ICRForum@sanalaplanning.com to stay up-to-date.

Previous Indigenous Climate Resilience Forums

2024 will mark the third year of the Indigenous Climate Resilience Forum, where Indigenous communities come together to share and learn about various perspectives, initiatives and insights related to Indigenous climate resilience. Learn more about the past two Forums by viewing the summary reports linked below: